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What If: The Anthology is a collaboration from some of today's hottest indie authors. What happens when one pivotal moment in a story changes? Have you ever wondered how things might have been?
In these eight, never before released, novellas you'll see what happens when your favorite characters take a different path.
A twist on the fictional reality you've already read. A chance to see if the grass is greener on the other side.
What if one little decision changed everything? What if?
Delusion by Chelle Bliss
Lure by M. Mabie
Twisted Course by Aly Martinez
Alive by Erin Noelle
Paradox by River Savage
Two Steps Back by Hilary Storm
Unforeseen by Shantel Tessier
Unspeakable Lies by Alice Tribue
100% of the proceeds for What If: The Anthology will be donated to Autism Speaks. Releasing April 1, 2015.
To enjoy the twist of fate within What If: The Anthology
She is the epitome of the girl next door, but with a feistiness that makes my dick throb.
I'm drawn to her like no other; she stirs things in me I have no desire to feel, long for things I shouldn't.
This is my game. I choose the players. I never play for keeps.
I don't believe in fate. I make my own destiny. I work hard and play harder.
Luck is for pussies, Karma for idiots. Me, I make shit happen.
Meeting her fucked up my plan. Threw me off my game.
I'm now face to face with my Karma and her name is Kat Rollins.
Ryker Eddison is the epitome of a player.
You know the type - Mr. Get In and Get Out.
He's all about the chase, wanting just one night. Everyone knows this, I know this. Still I find myself craving him. My greedy body betraying what my heart and mind already know; he will only bring me pain.
He's the guy that girls like me should avoid. I'm smart, I know better. But when I'm with him, I feel things I’ve never felt before. Things I never knew I wanted.
I can't deny it...I like the chase, the high is explosive, but I'm afraid if I give in, I may end up losing more than I can handle... my heart.
I walk into Pub Fiction for my shift about forty-five minutes early tonight, not thinking twice about knocking on the staff room door because a, I’m early, and b, I never have the fuck before. Well let me tell you, apparently a and b don't apply anymore with Hot Girl working here. And apparently a knocking rule needs to be put in effect from this point on.
‘Cause, HOLY FUCKING CHRIST! As I barge into the room I’m quickly met with the sexiest scene I have EVER laid my eyes upon in my life. Sitting on the black leather ottoman in the middle of the room while bending forward with the abundance of her succulent cleavage spilling out of a black lace bra, is none other than Kat. Well fuck me sideways til Sunday! She doesn't see me right away as she’s pulling up black sheer pantyhose over her legs, legs I might add that just don't seem to quit. With this vision in front of me now taunting my senses, mainly my sense of I-wanna-fucking -touch, of course I do what all men in my position would do. Yup, like the fucking perv I am, I stare. Actually no, I full on gawk at the sight unfolding in front of my greedy eyes. Greedy to take her all in, every motion, every curve. Jesus, who knew a simple act could be so erotic. My cock is throbbing from where I stand, aching to be set free. Stifling a moan, I adjust myself thinking of my next move.
I honestly cannot help but watch, even if I wanted to leave, I can’t. It’s as if I’m rooted in place, my feet encased in cement, trapping me. My brain convincing my body it’s actually stuck. And truth be told, I’m okay with it. There is no other place I‘d rather be at this very moment, than right there with this woman as I silently wallow in her beauty. This, this in front of me is what wet dreams are made of. I knew this girl was hot, but fuck me. Man, am I grateful that my brain and body aren’t on the same page right now. You know the page where my legs would be allowing me to leave like I know I should. I know the right thing to do is to turn around and walk right the fuck back out the door. But in truth there is no fucking way that is happening,‘cause this view is spectacular. And there is no fucking way am I’m missing this opportunity.
As if she’s finally sensing something in the air has changed, Kat looks up and finds me standing there rooted in my place by the door, gawking at her. Rather than freaking out like I assume she would, she simply smiles, her face a bit flushed as states that she says she could have sworn she locked the door. Our eyes meet and she continues to blush the sexiest shade of pink I have ever seen. I can’t help but think of what other body parts of Kat’s might match the shade. Shaking my head from those thoughts for now, I focus my attention back onto Kat, and in perfect time to witness her stand from her position on the ottoman.
I should fucking say something, I know this, I really do but for some fucked up reason I can’t form a response. It's like I’m one of those assholes who gets all tongue-tied around pretty girls. Fuck, I look like such a dick right now. Here I stand, staring with my mouth agape waiting her next move or to finally see her lose her shit on me. But instead, I've never been so thankful for not having a voice before in my life. As Kat stands, I can tell she’s actually quite nervous and shy. For some reason instinct wants me to comfort her. I want to call her baby and reassure her that she has not a goddamn thing to be nervous or embarrassed about, but I don’t. I want to tell her how sexy, and how completely thought consuming she has been, but I don’t. I want to tell her she is so fucking hot. But again, I don’t. I decide to stay quiet. I want her to lead how we’re going to play this thing out, whatever will make her to feel more at ease. Therefore, I stand in silence watching and waiting for her to call the shots. She begins to fumble with getting her t-shirt on and rather than staying quiet like I had planned guess what happens?
I'm a wife, and mother. My Mind's Eye is my first book writing adventure! Eeeeek! I'm Canadian so I might spell things a little odd once in a while;) I love red wine, adore my friends and I'm so completely in love with my hubby and little boy. I'm addicted to shoe shopping, shopping, and ummm shopping! But my biggest addiction however is reading. That shit runs deep in my veins, I'm a lover of alpha males, hot sex, with a side of angst all topped off with the happy ever after. I'm a new indie author and I can't wait to start this journey.
When shy and timid software developer Emma Hunter receives the shocking news that the company she works for is going under and is being taken over by a corporate giant, she is beyond distraught. After her best friend talks her into going out on the town to loosen up, she ends up throwing caution to the wind and has a passionate and intense one night stand with a handsome man she meets at an exclusive Denver night club – but that night sparks a chain of events that turns her life upside down.
Emma discovers that the man responsible for the takeover is more than she can handle. Graham Galloway is rude, callous, and intolerably arrogant. But the way he looks at her with such wild hunger evokes desire she never knew she was capable of.
Elle Vaughn is an avid book lover - especially romance novels. She's the author of the Anna and Quinton novella series and is always working on a new story project. When she's not lost in her character creations she can be found chasing around her toddler, being outside in the Colorado outdoors, gardening and attempting to cook for her family!
The much anticipated release of Fisher Amelie's third standalone installment of The Seven Deadly Series, FURY, finally has a release date! Stay tuned below for the reveals of her new covers for VAIN and GREED, a chapter from FURY, as well as the heart-stopping trailer for FURY, due out May 4th, 2015.
Prepare Yourselves.
About FURY:
Revenge is an euphoric thing. Trust me on this. Nothing compares to the release you get when you ruin someone’s life. When they’ve stolen important things. Things that didn’t belong to them. Things I revel in making them pay for.
What? Have I offended you? I’m not here to appeal to your delicate senses. I have no intention of placating your wishes or living within your personal belief system nor do I care if you hate me. And you will hate me. Because I’m a brutal, savage, cold-blooded murderer and I’m here for my revenge.
I’m Ethan Moonsong...And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most sacrificing man to the most feared and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
The new cover for the first standalone in The Seven Deadly Series, VAIN.
And now for an excerpt from FURY, due out May 4th, 2015...
I heard a snap and the light cracked on, piercing through my closed lids. My head pounded and I groaned then rolled over, pulling my cover over my head to drown out the source of my pain.
“Get up,” a deep voice commanded. “Get up,” he continued, kicking my shoe.
“Dad,” I rasped. “I’m hungover and feel like shit.”
He was silent for a moment so I pulled the cover down just enough to see his face. He was not amused.
“Ethan, watch your language, get your butt up, and find a job.” I didn’t answer him. I had nothing to say that would please him. “And while you’re at it, stop this ridiculous drinkin’, son.”
I sat up, ran my hands through my long black hair and wrapped the length around my fist. I sat back against the wall, reveling in how cool it was, and tried not to vomit.
“Did you see them today?” I asked him, unable to help myself.
My dad removed his hat and leaned against the jamb, scrubbing his face with his free hand. “You like to torture yourself,” he said, shaking his head then sighing. “You remind me so much of your mama.”
The mere mention of my mother sent me spiraling down once more in depression. We’d lost her a few years before and I was still in agony. That, coupled with the fact that Spencer Blackwell stole my girl right out from underneath my nose, was enough for me to drink to excess every night. I hate him.
“Are they,” I swallowed, afraid of his answer, “are they together now?”
My father sighed again. “Ethan, get dressed.”
“Are they?” I asked again, letting my hand drop to my side. My hair slid with it and cascaded down my back.
“You are a stubborn boy. Yes, okay? Yes, they’re together. All the more reason to move on, son.”
My body suddenly weighed a thousand pounds and I felt my head reeling. So it was true then. They were together and they would probably get married and I was going to have to sit there in that godforsaken small town and watch it all happen. I was going to get a front row seat to my own misery.
I nodded once, rested my hands on my knees for a brief moment, then ran past my dad, shouldering him as I did so and nearly knocking him over before making it to the small bathroom across the hall and retching everything in my stomach into the toilet.
My dad stood in the bathroom doorway shaking his head in disappointment. When I was done, I fell back into the wall. That look shamed me to my core. Any time my dad felt let down, I felt the weight of my disgrace so heavy the only thing I could think to dull the ache was to drink myself into a stupor. It was a vicious cycle.
I let my hair cascade over my face. I heard the old wood floor creak beneath his feet as he left without another word and jumped when the front door slammed. My eyes closed as my head pounded.
The claw foot tub sat to my left so I leaned up and turned on the water, slowly removing my clothing one piece at time. Each movement felt like a hammer slamming into my head.
“God,” I groaned. “I am an idiot.”
I stood then stepped underneath the warm water and just stood in silence, letting the water absorb into my hair and seep into my skin. I breathed in the steam deeply. I was miserable. Not just physically but my heart was the heaviest it’d felt since my mom passed and I had no one to blame but Spencer Blackwell for that.
The asshole who rode into my life under the guise of helping his sister only to yank what I thought was a stable foundation right out from underneath me. He stole from me, a bona fide thief, and I wanted to make him pay. No, I needed to make him pay.
But how?
I finished showering and threw a towel around my waist, stepping from the tub and toppling onto my bed when I reached my room and fell to sleep, not even bothering to dress myself. I fell quickly, fantasizing about my revenge.
I must have slept for hours because when I woke, it was pitch black outside. I rolled onto my side and checked my alarm clock. Eleven o’clock. Perfect timing, I thought.
I sat up and tucked my towel around my waist a little tighter, stood and went straight for my dresser. I grabbed a pair of boxers and socks and put those on before heading for my closet and tossing an old, worn pair of jeans on, a thermal and an old tee. I brushed my teeth, grabbed my wallet and keys, threw on my boots and headed toward my piece of shit truck.
I knew exactly where I was going because it was where I planned on going every night until I forgot about Caroline Hunt.
My truck started but barely and I tore out of our driveway not bothering with my seatbelt, kicking up dust and rocks as my tires spun against the loose gravel. I’d replaced my stereo because I couldn’t stand radio, at least not Kalispell radio, and plugged my phone into the audio cable. Bastille’s Dreams remake blasted and I turned it up, letting the painful lyrics wash over me, fueling my desire to get plastered as quickly as possible.
I entertained myself with thoughts of strangling Spencer Blackwell with both hands then beating the crap out of him with my fists. Bastard. I pulled into the local pub and put my piece into park before tucking my left foot into the emergency brake.
I disconnected my phone and the stereo went silent, reminding me of how alone I really was. I turned the engine off and absolute silence surrounded me. I couldn’t take it. My door creaked with age as it swung open and I slammed it shut, unable not to. The fury raging in my blood was more than I could contain.
Before heading inside, my hand went to the empty space between the cab and the bed and searched for the bottle of whiskey I always had wedged in between. I took a large swig, not wanting to spend too much of my savings on the liquor inside the crap establishment. After all, I was going to need it. Revenge was a costly business.
I took one more swig for good measure and wedged it back in its usual place then wiped my mouth on the back of my sleeve. My hair swung heavy in my eyes. It was still a little wet from my shower and I thought about tying it back with the extra leather tie I usually kept in my glove compartment but thought better of it. It helped me hide and I wanted to hide.
I looked around me. The lot was full but I only recognized a few cars this time which was good because I had no intention of making conversation. Regardless, most of Kalispell had stopped trying because I’d rarely done any responding since Cricket cut out my fucking heart and ate it raw. The hair was only insurance.
I took two deep draws of air, gulping it down, desperate for it to soothe me but, of course, it didn’t. I let each escape my lips in shaky breaths and clenched my fists over and over before deciding to head inside.
My boots crunched the gravel beneath my feet as I headed toward the door. When I entered, I ducked my head toward the floor and let my hair cover me, not that it did any good other than to conceal me. I could still feel the heat of their stares, though, still feel the pity in their gazes. I wanted so badly to yell at them to fuck off but I kept as much composure as possible. I couldn’t get kicked out of the only real bar in Kalispell.
I picked a stool at the end of the bar, the same stool I always did in the corner and in the back because it was dark. I sat and met Vi’s eyes. She sauntered over to me, placing her elbows on the bar top, giving me a clear view of her generous chest. I held back my eye roll.
“Hello, darlin’,” she drawled. “You look like shit.”
“The usual, Vi,” I told her as quietly as I could.
“How ‘bout a kiss then first?” she asked, leaning in a bit more.
“Christ, Vi, how many times? Huh? Just get me the gosh damn drink.”
She laughed. “Already worked up then, I see. I like it,” she said, winking.
Vi, or Violet, was thirty-nine years old, had lived in Kalispell her entire life, and had worked as a bartender for over fifteen years. I could tell at one time Vi had been a beautiful woman but I could also tell she had heard many hollow promises from equally hollow men and that she obviously believed them all. Otherwise, why would she still be there? I watched her tired eyes and her slightly too-forced smile. She had the look of someone who used to be chased but had graduated to the chaser. She looked miserable.
She left and returned with an empty glass and a bottle of Jack. She set the glass on the bar and filled it to the brim. She was being generous. She was always this way. She told me once she hoped I would drink it all away and decide to take her up on her offer. I told her that would be a cold day in hell, to which she only laughed.
“Drink up, buttercup,” she said, smiling lasciviously.
“I will,” I told the bar top.
I watched the world around me through the breaks in the hanging strands and six glasses later, I was starting to finally feel numb. I lifted my head a little feeling slightly relieved, feeling like I could breathe a little deeper now that the ache wasn’t so severe. I continued to search the crowd, not knowing who I was really looking for.
A quiet but persistent nagging awareness took residence in my chest for some unknown reason as I watched a girl dance on her own in the middle of the dance floor. Others around her paid no attention to her but she was the first person my eyes were drawn to. I studied her.
Her hair was tucked into a blue scarf, little tendrils peeking through and grazing across her neck whenever she moved. She was extraordinarily tall and her hips and rear end were more indulgent than I’d ever considered before. She turned slightly, giving me her silhouette. Her stomach was flat and her breasts were full. She was beautiful, I could tell, even if I couldn’t see her fully through the low lights.
“Jeez,” I said, swiping a hand down my face. “I’ve had too much.”
But I still couldn’t stop watching her. She wore worn jean cut offs, a fitted button up with the sleeves rolled up her forearms and ankle boots. She rolled her shoulders playfully, enticing someone she knew just off the dance floor. Another girl joined her side and they did the robot. She threw her head back and laughed.
This shocked me almost sober. “That laugh,” I whispered to myself. “That laugh,” I repeated. I knew it but couldn’t quite place it.
She took her friend’s hand and twirled her around the floor vivaciously. She was so full of life. So my exact opposite.
She lightheartedly skipped in place and raised an arm in salute to her friend before turning toward me.
That’s when I got a good, clear look at her. I gasped out loud and placed my hand on the back of my head, my elbow on the bartop, ducking my head down lower to hide myself further.
Please, please, please do not recognize me, I thought, still watching her from the corner of my eye.
She stood two seats down from me. “Vi!” she said, laughing a little. “Vi!”
Vi turned toward her. “Hey, baby! What’ll it be?”
“Can I have a water, please?” she asked, sitting down and releasing a breath of exhaustion. She continued to smile, though, and it ate a little at my gut.
“Of course,” Vi answered and started to pour water into a clear plastic cup. Vi’s eyes pinched a little. “Hey?” she said.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“How come I never see you drink anything harder?”
Her face fell a little but picked right back up. No one would have noticed it but me. “I’ve never had good luck with alcohol,” she admitted a bit sadly.
Vi was quick enough to recognize something there that didn’t want to be said and let it go with a nod, handing over the water without another word.
“Vi!” someone else called out and she walked their direction.
She took a long drink from her water and set it down, turning toward the crowd and surveying the dancers. A small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, some private joke she shared with herself.
I looked on her for a long time. Long enough for my heart to calm itself. Long enough to struggle with myself in an internal argument. Finally, I decided that I wasn’t watching her because I found her attractive, though I knew she was. Only that I was wondering what she was doing there.
She turned around in her seat after catching her breath and glanced at me. For a moment, I believed she didn’t recognize me but I was wrong. A second scan confirmed it for her. She leaned in and narrowed her eyes. Shit.
“Ethan?” she asked. “Is that you?”
“Hello, Finley,” I answered.
Check out the FURY Trailer!!
About Fisher Amelie:
Fisher Amelie resides in the South with her kick ace husband slash soul mate. She earned her first 'mama' patch in 2009. She also lives with her Weim, 'Jonah', and her Beta, 'Whale'. All these living creatures keep the belly of her life full, sometimes to the point of gluttony, but she doesn't mind all that much because life isn't worth living if it isn't entertaining, right?
Fisher is the author of The Seven Deadly Series, The Sleepless Series, and Leaving Series, and was a semi-finalist in Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Award.
We are so excited to share the news that Claire Contreras will be releasing a spin-off of Kaleidoscope Hearts. Paper Hearts follows Mia’s story and will release summer 2015!
Check out the prequel entitled Torn Hearts on Wattpad-->
I lost her.
No, I didn't lose her. I threw her away.
She was my best friend.
I was never supposed to fall in love with her.
I was careless.
She was heartbroken.
I was doing fine until she came back into my life and reminded me what love was supposed to feel like.
When it's all said and done, she may not want to stay, but this time I'm going to do everything in my power to not let her go.
About Claire Contreras
Claire Contreras graduated with her BA in Psychology from Florida International University. She was born in the Dominican Republic and raised in Miami, Fl, where she currently resides with her husband, two boys, and two American Bulldogs.
Life is short, and it’s more bitter than sweet, so she tries to smile as often as her face allows. She enjoys stories with happy endings, because life is full of way too many unhappy ones.
Authors: Toni Aleo, Kindle Alexander, Sawyer Bennett,
Chelle Bliss, Eden Butler, and Brenda Rothert
Summer in the Big Easy is hot. Inside Tulane Medical Center the temperature is on the rise.
A doctor nursing a broken heart. A wounded warrior with no interest in love. A single father finding the girl who got away. A combat nurse trying to adjust to civilian life. Two lost souls looking for love. A former detective looking for answers and an FBI agent who finds more than he bargains for.
Desire. Lust. Excess. New Orleans will never be the same.
Six never before released stories that will leave you breathless.
Dirty things happen in the dark.
Learn More About These Authors
Toni Aleois the author of the Assassins Series, Bullies Series, Whiskey Prince, Let it be Me, and the Spring Grove novels. She lives in Clarksville, TN with her husband, and two beautiful children. She enjoys taking pictures, writing, shopping and going to as many hockey games that she can! Click here to visit her website.
Kindle Alexander, best selling and newly award winning author, is an innovative writer and a genre-crosser who writes classic fantasy, romance, suspense, and erotica. It’s always a surprise to see what’s coming next! Happily married with too many children, and dogs, living in the suburbs of Dallas. Click here to visit her website.
Sawyer Bennett, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. Her husband works for a Fortune 100 company which lets him fly all over the world while she stays at home with their daughter and three big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn't have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate. Click her to visit her website.
Chelle Bliss, USA Today bestselling author, writes stories about real-life scenarios with fantasy Alpha males. Her works include humor as well as steamy sex. Her work includes her best selling series Men of Inked. Click here to visit her website.
Eden Butler is an Amazon best-selling editor and writer of Romance, Mystery and SciFi and Fantasy novels and the nine-times great-granddaughter of an honest-to-God English pirate. This could explain her affinity for rule breaking and rum. Her debut novel, a New Adult, Contemporary Romance, "Chasing Serenity" launched October 2013. Since that time Eden has published six books and novellas including the Amazon best seller, "Thin Love". Click here to learn more about her.
Brenda Rothert is a proud indie author who loves writing stories that make readers laugh, cry and occasionally, yell at their e-readers. Her Contemporary Romances include Unspoken; The Now Series - Now and Then, Now and Again and Now and Forever, and The Fire on Ice Series - Bound, Captive, Edge, Drive and Release. Her latest release is Killian, the first book in her new hockey series, On the Line. For more information about Brenda’s books, visit her website at
100% of the proceeds will be donated to:
The Keith Milano Memorial Fund - The Keith Milano Memorial Fund was established to help raise awareness about the devastating deadly disease that is Mental Illness. Keith's spirit and laughter is kept alive through our efforts to increase awareness about mental illness and to raise money for education and imperative research. Click here to learn more
Pancreatic Action Network - The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network is fully committed to providing the most comprehensive set of programs and services to fight this very difficult disease. Our commitment and passion are driven by our mission: to advance research, support patients and create hope for anyone facing pancreatic cancer. Click here to visit the Keep the Memory Alive page
Nashville Predators Foundation - At the inception of the Nashville Predators' franchise in 1997, we not only made a commitment to develop a successful hockey team and organization, but also believed and committed to fulfilling a recognized responsibility to play an important role in our home community. Click here to learn more
Nerdy Book Freak's Review
First off I was extremely excited to get the chance to read this anthology. I love each and every author who was apart of Night Shift. Each of the stories are captivating and stories you don't want to miss out on! I have read through this anthology and I fell in love with each one of the stories and the characters. A definite MUST READ! Not to mention a great cause!
Ruined is book four in the She Who Dares series, but can be read as a standalone. Hugo
I like to fuck. A lot. Anywhere, anyway, as long as I’m shooting my load in or on some pretty young thing I’m good. In fact, scrap that, they don’t even have to be pretty. What can I say? I’m an equal opportunities kind of guy.
I pride myself on being able to turn even the most self-respecting woman into a dirty slut. I make no apologies for my life or my behaviour. I don’t care about anyone really, certainly not women.
Except her. I care about her, which is why I pushed her away.
I suppose I’m what you would call the good girl, the sensible one. I’m that girl, the romanticist. I believe in ‘the one’, in that all-encompassing love that leaves you unable to breathe without it.
The thing is though, love is an uncontrollable animal. The heart often declares war on the mind, and even the most rational being can become completely consumed by love.
Sometimes rational is boring. It’s the taste of the wild side that makes you remember you’re alive. The heart wants what the heart wants, even if you end up completely ruined in the process.
LP Lovell is an Indie Author from Salisbury,
England. She's known for her seriously laid back attitude, sick sense of humour
and a general lack of brain to mouth filter. Fuelled by copious amounts of Diet
Coke, she likes to create feisty female characters who bring men across the
pages to their knees. If she’s not writing then LP can be found riding her
horses, or walking her ever present writing companion; Tulula the dog.
When I was twenty-eight years old, I wrote my own winning lottery ticket. A simple idea thrust me onto the fast track to wealth, and into a world I had only ever dreamt about. I submerged myself in the unfamiliar, a life that seemed all too alluring … until it lost its appeal.
I made my fortune, built my castle, and then exiled myself within its comforts once reality set in.
Far too late, I discovered I was drowning in a sea of hungry sharks. Given the choice to sink or swim, I chose the latter … and it cost me everything.
Devin McIntyre, the most dangerous shark of them all, was the last nail in my naïve coffin. His beautiful smile and amazing cock tainted me in ways I could have never imagined.
I craved him. I needed him. I loved him.
Miserable with the outcome of my prosperity, I set out to change what disgusted me most—the first decision being to rid myself of Devin. Little did I know that taking that first step would make me a slave to a man far more tempting … or that my addiction to Devin would threaten to ruin it all.
If you are not a fan of cursing, erotic and extremely explicit sex, cheating, immoral behavior, dysfunction or sexual scenarios that may make you feel uncomfortable this is not the series for you. FILTHY EROTIC ROMANCE